Electronics Enclosure Coolers
Thermoelectric Air Conditioners, grouped by operating input voltage:
TECA manufactures thermoelectric coolers for electronics cabinets, control cabinets and other enclosures in need of thermal protection. We recognize the need for a diverse product line, and this includes variety in input voltages. Most of our thermoelectric panel coolers can be built for DC input. Coolers that are 350 BTU/HR and up have room to house an internal power supply. Therefore, we offer thermoelectric cooling solutions for virtually any input voltage requirement.
Thermoelectric technology is maintenance free and reliable. Our coolers provide thermal management for NEMA-12/4/4X enclosures. TECA’s ECO-Mode control feature helps minimize operation costs.
Direct Current: With lighter weight (due to the absence of added power supply components) , DC input cooling solutions are often preferred. This is especially true in industrial and mobile applications. TECA’s thermoelectric enclosure air conditioners are available for 12, 24, 48, and 250 VDC operation.
250 VDC Designed initially for overhead crane control applications, TECA now offers many thermoelectric air conditioner models for 250 VAC operation.
Alternating Current: Most TECA climate control coolers are available with an integral power supply. This allows the cooler to be used worldwide, accepting anywhere from 100 to 240 VAC (model specific)! Certain products have selectable jumpers and others have a universal power supply so please ask for any clarification you might need. We are happy to help select the right cooling solution for you.
Fun Fact: TECA was the first to offer a thermoelectric air conditioner for AC voltage with our advent of the integral power supply design in 1979, when we were a department of Borg-Warner.
3-Phase Input Voltage: is common in larger applications, for example, in power generation or large motors. When enclosure cooling or heating is needed but industrial power requirements limit the options, consider TECA’s 3-Phase cooling & heating solutions. Ideal for crane equipment, water treatment, data enclosure applications and other jobs where 3-Phase power is preferred or required.
Mounting Styles: