Temperature Preference Testing:

temperature preference temperature preference temperature preference


Creating Microclimates for Insect Subjects

Using TECA’s Gradient Bar System, a biology department at a U.S. university created a temperature preference device for small insects.

The insects were infected with various pathogens. The researchers wanted to create an environment where the insects chose a temperature benefiting pathogen replication/transmission and not host survival, thus determining whether pathogens alter their hosts’ temperature preferences.

Insulating their petri dishes and setting the entire gradient machine inside a larger incubator, the researchers created a microclimate and had excellent control over temperature fluctuations.


Agricultural Research Using Temperature Gradient:

temperature gradient temperature gradient


A department of the Canadian government uses two TECA Thermal Gradient Bar (TGB-5030) systems to conduct thermal behavior research on insects.

In the photographs shown here, the customer used two AHP-1200CPV Cold/Hot plates plus one Large Gradient Plate (p/n TGB-5030) and created a gradient area spanning from 4 °C to 33 °C. Two groups of insects were placed side-by-side on the gradient bar, in separate cages. This allowed the researchers to test two groups at the same time.

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