Cooling Chicago:

cooling chicago cooling chicago


Have you ever wondered what the Chicago Skyline looks like after a nasty Noreater blows in off the lake? The creative machinists at Metal Concepts in Chicago constructed this city skyline to highlight the cooling capacity of our AHP-1200CPV product.

The V stands for Versatile and given it’s used in so many industries I guess it’s not hard to see it cooling the city. Interested in cooling a city of your own? Send us some pictures or sketches and we’ll see what the artists at Metal Concepts can do for you.


Equipment Testing & Maintenance:

equipment testing

Three AHP-1200CPV Cold Plates are running continuously and in tandem at 17 °C to monitor satellite equipment. The customer has added air deflectors of his own design. TECA offers standard air deflectors as well. The customer applies approximately 50 Watts of heat to the cold plate.


Hearing Aid:

hearing aid

A global leader in developing and manufacturing cochlear implant systems uses the AHP-1200CPV to cool down silicone molds after the curing process so the operators can safely handle the mold. So far the cold plate has been performing perfectly.


Cosmological Physics:

cosmological physics

An associate professor of Cosmological Physics at a local university traveled to Antarctica for research. TECA’s High-Capacity AHP-1200CPV Cold Plate went along with him! The AHP-1200CPV is being used for testing on a NASA project.


Laboratory Equipment:

laboratory equipment laboratory equipment

A research organization had a problem with overheating of their equipment in a chemical-vapor deposition reactor TECA’s AHP-301CPV Cold Plate cooled the equipment and improved the performance of the customer’s system.

The customer was able to avoid system failures, which allowed the completion of a research project.




Here’s another example of an AHP-1200CP thermoelectric cooler plate (Peltier cooler plate) used in a manufacturing station. The adjustable feet provide vertical flexibility in lining up the cold plate with the workstation. Parts slide easily from the hot plate to the work surface to the cold plate.


Theme Park Exhibit:

theme park exhibit

A company specializing in 3-D designs for museums, theme parks, and other attractions needed to build an “icy throne” for a museum exhibit and keep it dry at the same time.

Using four TECA AHP-1200CP Peltier cold plates (thermoelectric cold plates), one was placed in the seat, back, and in each arm rest of the throne. Raw aluminum was then screwed onto the plates, and the throne surfaces reached close to -20 °C! Visitors to the museum can sit on the throne to feel the chill. The “ice” in the picture is not real. It is a “hard coat” of scenic ice. The throne manufacturers did not want museum visitors to get wet from real ice; their goal was to create a throne.


Beverage Cooling in a barrel:

beverage cooling in a barrel beverage cooling in a barrel

Here’s an application that TECA’s engineering team was particularly excited about. Not because of the economics or the potential new business. Frankly we didn’t think the market was there. But as soon as they found out that a ½ barrel of beer would be needed for testing they were all over it. While none was ever sold, good lessons regarding contact methods and material stratification were learned. To see the result of the test click here.
We used an AHP-1200CP thermoelectric cold plate and a TLC-700 thermoelectric liquid chiller for testing purpose.


Fluid Dispensing:

fluid dispensing

A leading manufacturer of fluid dispensing systems uses one of our Thermoelectric Cold Plate and Temperature Controller for controlling the fluid temperature of adhesives, sealants, lubricants and other materials in meter, mix and dispensing systems.
Unlike other larger, higher cost and less accurate heating and cooling devices, which use heater cartridges, refrigerant or water to heat and cool, these thermoelectric-effect temperature controllers use the Peltier-Seebeck effect to directly convert electrical voltage to thermal differentials. This effect, which is reversible, either heats or cools fluid materials with precision to the temperature set point. The compact Peltier thermoelectric device, temperature sensor and the temperature control is mounted to a manifold where the fluid passes through to be precisely heated, maintained or cooled.


Cooling Pure Fluid Flow:

cooling pure fluid flow cooling pure fluid flow

The customer needed to cool a very low flow rate of a very pure fluid. Passing tubing through an ice bath did not provide close enough and consistent enough temperature control. However by using the AHP-1200CPV with tube chiller option and by determining the optimum set point a consistently cooled flow of the pure fluid was obtained.

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